Wednesday, 6 March 2013


Constructivism was mainly an architectural movement that also influenced many genres such as graphic design, film dance and fashion. The constructivists were the developers of the photomontage, which is evident in their work. The main characteristics of constructivism were geometric, abstract shapes that were usually done with a purpose in mind, rather than just for the sake of it.

Rodchenko branched over many areas of constructivist art for example art and photography. He also designed costume for some plays in1914, which show his focus on geometric forms in which sometimes he even used a compass.
Rodchenko started to experiment more with photography, playing around with the idea of perspective. Although the ladder image may be one of his most famous, especially for the constructivist movement, I almost prefer this odd diving image.

This would not have been the typical pose of a diver but by playing with perspective the diver just becomes shapes and shadows in the air. The composition is also slightly unusual as the diver is in the corner of the image and almost reminds me of some of his experimental paintings from his earlier work.
 This image also takes advantage of viewpoints that could be achieved from this period. As the diver is pretty high up it may suggest that Rodchenko had taken it by standing on something.

Free-Style Diver 1936

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